Total Characters In Free Fire

Free Fire is a battle royale game which is quite popular because of its different characters in the game. This game was launched in 2017 and since then till today there are a total of 57 characters in this game. After every major update, game developers launch new characters in the game.

Among all these characters of Free Fire, some are male characters and some are female characters. All these characters have different abilities which are useful while fighting the enemies in the game. Among all these characters, the abilities of some characters are active and some are passive.

In today’s post, we are going to give information about all the characters of Free Fire, which includes their name, ability and gender.

Total Characters In Free Fire

free fire all characters name, ability and png photo

In today’s time, here are the names of all the characters in Free Fire.

  1. Adam/Primis
  2. Nulla
  3. Alok
  4. Wukong
  5. Skyler
  6. Tatsuya
  7. J.Biebs
  8. A – patroa
  9. Xayne
  10. Leon
  11. D-Bee
  12. Chrono
  13. K
  14. Dasha
  15. Wolfrahh
  16. Luqueta
  17. Jota
  18. Joseph
  19. Shani
  20. Rafael
  21. Hayato
  22. Laura
  23. Moco
  24. Antonio
  25. Kla
  26. Caroline
  27. Paloma
  28. Maxim
  29. Nikita
  30. Ford
  31. Kelly
  32. Andrew
  33. Olivia
  34. Misha
  35. Jai
  36. Kenta
  37. Nairi
  38. Shirou
  39. Kapella
  40. Alvaro
  41. Steffie
  42. Notora
  43. A124
  44. Otho
  45. Miguel
  46. Homer
  47. Thiva
  48. Luna
  49. Iris
  50. Maro
  51. Dimitri
  52. Clu
  53. Santino
  54. Orion
  55. Sonia
  56. Suzy
  57. Thala

Total Male Characters in Free Fire

Here is a list of all the male characters available in Free Fire.

  1. Adam/Primis
  2. Alok
  3. Wukong
  4. Skyler
  5. Tatsuya
  6. J.Biebs
  7. Leon
  8. D-Bee
  9. Chrono
  10. K
  11. Wolfrahh
  12. Luqueta
  13. Jota
  14. Joseph
  15. Rafael
  16. Hayato
  17. Antonio
  18. Kla
  19. Maxim
  20. Ford
  21. Andrew
  22. Jai
  23. Kenta
  24. Nairi
  25. Shirou
  26. Alvaro
    1. Otho
    2. Miguel
    3. Homer
    4. Thiva
    5. Maro
    6. Dimitri
    7. Santino
    8. Orion
    9. Thala

    Total Female Characters in Free Fire

    Here is a list of all the Female characters available in Free Fire.

    1. Nulla
    2. Olivia
    3. A – patroa
    4. Xayne
    5. Dasha
    6. Shani
    7. Laura
    8. Moco
    9. Caroline
    10. Sonia
    11. Suzy
    12. Paloma
    13. Misha
    14. Kelly
    15. Nikita
    16. Clu
    17. Iris
    18. Luna
    19. A124
    20. Kapella
    21. Steffie
    22. Notora

    Active Skill Characters In Free Fire

    Active skill characters are those characters in which a special skill can be used during the game. These characters have a unique ability that can be triggered during the game and can help overcome obstacles, such as intimidating enemies, using healing skills, or other special abilities. Currently, there are 17 active skill characters in Free Fire, and their names are listed below.

    1. Alok
    2. Homer
    3. Skyler
    4. Chrono
    5. Clu
    6. Wukong
    7. Orion
    8. Tatsuya
    9. Iris
    10. Xayne
    11. Kenta
    12. Dimitri
    13. K
    14. Steffie
    15. A124
    16. Santino
    17. Thala

    Passive Skill Characters In Free Fire

    Passive skill characters are those characters whose special abilities are automatically active during the game without the need for any specific skill activation. These special abilities work alongside the player throughout the game and can assist by increasing the player’s speed, providing low-level healing, or using special hiding skills. Currently, there are 38 passive skill characters in Free Fire, Adam/Primis and Nulla are the default characters in Free Fire with no abilities. Here is a list of all the passive skill characters.

    1. J.Biebs
    2. A – patroa
    3. Leon
    4. D-Bee
    5. Dasha
    6. Wolfrahh
    7. Luqueta
    8. Jota
    9. Joseph
    10. Shani
    11. Rafael
    12. Hayato
    13. Laura
    14. Moco
    15. Antonio
    16. Kla
    17. Caroline
    18. Paloma
    19. Maxim
    20. Nikita
    21. Ford
    22. Kelly
    23. Andrew
    24. Olivia
    25. Misha
    26. Jai
    27. Nairi
    28. Shirou
    29. Kapella
    30. Alvaro
    31. Notora
    32. Otho
    33. Miguel
    34. Thiva
    35. Luna
    36. Maro
    37. Sonia
    38. Suzy

    Most Popular Characters In Free Fire

    There are some characters which are most used by the players, which are as follows…

    1. Adam/Primis
    2. Alok
    3. Wukong
    4. Skyler
    5. Tatsuya
    6. Chrono
    7. K
    8. Moco
    9. Maxim
    10. Kelly
    11. Dimitri
    12. Sonia
    13. Thala

    Currently, there are a total of 57 characters in Free Fire, and more new characters can be added in the future because the game developers introduce a new character with each OB update.

    We hope you enjoyed our post about all the characters in Free Fire. If you want to learn about the abilities of all the characters, you can read the post provided below.

    Free Fire All Characters Name, Ability And PNG Photo

    Who is No 1 character in Free Fire?

    Kelly was the first character in Free Fire with abilities. The most popular character can vary, but currently, Thala is quite popular.

    How many characters in Free Fire September 2023?

    In Free Fire September 2023, there are a total of 57 characters, including 35 male and 22 female characters.

    Who is the No 4 character in Free Fire?

    Andrew is the character introduced as the fourth character in Free Fire.

    How many new characters are in Free Fire?

    The latest new characters added to Free Fire are Sonia, Suzy, and Thala.

    Which character gives 250 hp in Free Fire?

    The character combination of Xayne, Luqueta, Antonio, and J.Biebs, which gives a total of 430 HP at the waist.

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